
License: GNU Affero General Public license version 3

This is a suggestion popup implementation similar to the one used by the on macOS 10.15. It is provided under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. I only tested it on macOS 10.15, 11.0. MacOS 10.13-10.14 could work. I will test this in the future and make it compatible, if required. This software is still in beta.

A Simple location search can be implemented using the following code:

// Keep a reference to the search completer in memory.
var searchCompleter: LocationSearchCompleter!
// Somewhere in your constructor create a LocationSearchCompleter with 
// your textField. You can still use the textField delegate !
self.searchCompleter = LocationSearchCompleter(searchField: searchField)
self.searchCompleter.onShow = { ... }
self.searchCompleter.onHide = { ... }
self.searchCompleter.onHighlight = { ... }
self.searchCompleter.onSelect = { ... }

For more information check out the github repository.